Monday, 24 November 2008

Our Children's Services Victory

Following a five year battle, NHS Sefton (formerly Sefton Primary Care Trust) have finally agreed to local peoples' pressure and announced that they will be having a walk in centre in Southport which will treat the vast majority of local children.

Local Councillor and longtime health campaigner Sue McGuire has met with senior managers from NHS Sefton to look at plans for a children’s walk-in centre in Southport. Options for the location of the centre and how it would be run were discussed at the meeting. NHS Sefton’s commitment to developing a minor injuries and ailments walk-in centre for children and young people, and consulting local people on the options for such a scheme was restated at the meeting.

A 12 week public consultation with local residents is expected to before the end of December. Two possible locations for the walk-in centre have been identified. They are Southport Centre for Health and Wellbeing or on the Southport Hospital site.

Councillor Sue McGuire pictured outside Royal Loverpool Children's Hospital following her recent visit (formerly Alderhey Children's Hospital)